Monday, September 19, 2011

Tomatillo Ranch Dressing

Tomatillo Ranch Dressing

  • 1 packet Traditional Hidden Valley Ranch mix (not Buttermilk)
  • 1 c. mayonnaise
  • 1 c. buttermilk (I use 1 cup milk with 1 T. vinegar cause I usually don't have buttermilk on hand)
  • 2 tomatillos, remove husk, diced
  • 1/2 bunch of fresh cilantro (I always skip and it's great without too)
  • 1 clove garlic
  • juice of 1 lime
  • 1 jalapeno (if you like it spicy keep the seeds in it, if you like it mild, just remove the seeds or just skip altogether)
Mix all ingredients together in the blender. Enjoy over salad, on mexican food, whatever!

I know a lot of people make the Cafe Rio Pork a lot and love this famous dressing.  I have only made it a couple of times but I am amazed how good it tastes.  Don't limit it just to pork!

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